Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Last work on the initial PhD proposal

I've been working on my research proposal for weeks. To apply for studying PhD course, I have to submit research proposal with application form. However, I couldn't send them out these days as my supervisor told me that my topic was not big enough for a PhD thesis, and thus I had been working on searching some more journal articles and figuring out some ideas. Discussing with and also asking advice from professor (a very busy gentle man) these days, I finally finished my draft last night and approached the professor for correcting it this afternoon. Of course as usual, I asked some questions about research skill, and I was surprised that the old professor could use not only thumb drive but Endnote – reference managing software. Professor asked me if I knew this software, and actually I used to use that for sorting references of my Master thesis 3-4 years ago. As far as I know, nobody in my department (even staff) but me knew Endnote and used it on research that days. Although I didn't show on my face, I was quite amazed that even such an old professor in front of me knew this tool. In addition to the questions, some new ideas came to my mind and I might add them into my research project in future. Professor also showed me a manuka honey impregnated pad. It is a coffee-coloured pad without any smell (according my amazing nose). According to him, it will suck up large amount of exudate without losing its antibacterial function. Actually I had been imaging that there would be medicinal smell (such as providon iodine or hydrogen peroxide) on the pad as it would be used as a medicinal dressing. Anyway I got the revised proposal from professor tonight and also corrected mistakes. Finally I can send these documents out to the International Centre tomorrow!

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