Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hedgehog in the garden

It's rainy today. As usual, I looked out the window from my desk. There wasn't any bird in the gardon. The wind started to blow. There was not any animal in the gardon. Suddenly a strange object attracted me. At first I thought it was a stone or leaves on the lawn and didn't nitice that, but I found that it moved slowly and thought it shouldn't be a stone or whatever. Charito said that it was hedgehog and told me to fed it with cat food(!). So, taking my umbrella, I spreaded some cat food in front of it and see what'll happen. Oh, dear! This hedgehog did eat the cat food! Becasue I've never seen the real hedgehog, I stayed outside and looked at it for a while. Hegdehog Unfortunately, it's gone when I was getting my jacket on in the room.

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