Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Helicobacter pylori gram's stain

It's strange that the Helicobacter pylori cells have got different formations when grown on different media, and even on the same plate they may also look different: I. Urea agar: Columbia blood agar base + 7% fetal bovin serum + HCl + urea + phenol red + antibiotics (vancomycin + amphotericin B + polymixin B) urea plate-single colony2 urea plate-single colony1 urea plate-crowd II. CHBHP: Columbia blood agar base + 10% horse blood + antibiotics (vancomycin + amphotericin B + polymixin B) Blood agar plate-single colony Blood agar plate-crowd They're all gram negative so this time gram positive cocci have been removed (or suppressed), but as they've got several looks and some of them look different from what I know about helicobacters, now I can't really make sure if they are exactly Helicobacter... :(

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