Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The strike day ...

I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed surprised that the whole day is amazingly peaceful (well, at least much more than I'd expected previously). As usual the city bus drove toward the campus this morning. However, the bus driver honked when the bus was just turning into Gate 1."That is somewhat unusal," I thought. Looking outside, there were many staff standing at Gate 1 and holding yellow boards with slogan "HONK IF YOU SUPPORT US" on it. Ah huh! no wonder~~ Walking around the university, it could be observed that the whole campus was unusually quite, except Gate 8 and library. There were another group of staff (with slogan and boards, of course) at Gate 8 just like those at Gate 1. In front of the library, there're still another group of staff gathering there. Some of them provided leaflets and others holding slogan boards and yet others "announcing" their purpose and idea with microphone. Similar slogans could be seen everywhere. As the leaflet said "most of the facilities and services would not be available or operated by skeleton staff", I went up to the International Centre our of curiosity and see what it would look like. Nothing much. As far as I saw, the International Centre staff were working as usual. "So, not all of 'em went striking, right?" I thought. Then I realized I was wrong. There was no working staff in the library. It looks like even the LAIN building is empty as well. Literally skelton. Anyway, it doesn't matter to students as they're still allowed to enter the library. Hence I found a seat in the skelton building, sit down and started my self-study. However, about half a hour after that, we heard some yells of slogan from outside. A big march of staff started moving (probably toward the vice-chancelor's office). Nothing happened after the march. It looked like every staff returned back to their own positions and as if nothing had happened. Almost all the slogan boards had also gone before I came home. So, what the earth had happened today??? It looks like a ceremony to me more than a strike...

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