Saturday, July 23, 2005

Struggling with USB2 pcmcia card

So far I've tried a bunch of possible ways to resolve the pcmcia problem. None of them make thing better. > Try each port on the pcmcia card => still freeze when transfering data > Install the USB2 card driver in the bundled CD rather than the window's default one => freeze > windowsUpdate WinXP sp1 and some patches again => still freeze > Install sp2 (this is not my idea anyway; it's PB's engineer's) => still freeze (see, I know that). By the way, I'd updated EndNote 6 to 6.02 previously so that it could be compatible with WinXP sp2. > Try to find if there's any new driver, patch, document, support or even FAQ on Compaq's website => nothing much > Normally updating BIOS is not advisable as it may more or less accompany with risk. However I noticed that an old version of BIOS on Compaq's website had fixed the pcmcia bug (by old I mean compare with the newest one KAM 1.60. My KAM 1.49 in my laptop is even older than the fixed version though) and decided to give it a go. The old BIOS was hidden in the website so that I could hardly notice the fix note. However, even though now I can write data into MO disks successfully (congratulations!) after update my BIOS to KAM1.52, it still freeze when copying data out of the MO disks. Well, at least it's a big improvement isn't it. > Keep looking around and google if there's any information or even a small hint about my presario => still nothing much. > A crazy feeling came up to my mind when I was almost running out of my idea about those devices. I hope I'm wrong but now I'm doubting the most impossible part - the chipset built in my laptop. Sometimes there's chance that chipsets could go wrong when they're produced by manufacturers. (I still remember the famous chipset-bugs "FDIV Bug" and "F00F Bug" of Intel which happened around 10 years ago.) I'm picking that this time the pcmcia controller chipset can be the case. I find my chipset's model is O2Micro OZ6912. Try to search on google to see if there is any information about the chipset and guess what, BINGO: PC Card Controller patch for the OZ6912 (on DELL) The unofficial Dell Inspiron Notebook/O2Micro PCMCIA Cardbus Controller Fix Page ...and bunch of discussion around USB2/O2Micro pcmcia on It looks like I've got some more works to do around the patch and bios, and apparently I'm not the only "victim" of USB2...I should have got Firewire interface rather than USB2 at first. I reckon if I'm willing to change my laptop, that'd be because of this.

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