Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Growth curve on BMG plate reader

The result of growth curve is still terrible. However, look at the microplate carefully and I notice that inter-contamination between culture_wells and blank_wells can be seen. Apparently this is caused when the BioRad microplate reader shook the plate and the media in the wells splashed out and contaminated each other. Unfortunately this BioRad reader can't change its shaking speed, thus I need to try another microplate machine - BMG microplate reader. And also, for in case, I adjusted the total volume of each well to 125 ul, dilution facter 6 (can't dilute by 10-fold because we don't have suitable 8ch pipette in this case) and for rather in case, kept a fence_well between culture_wells and blank_wells. Microplate reader setting: 37C, rotate shaking, shaking diameter 3mm, 36 cycles (i.e. 18 hrs)

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